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Quint Studer on Getting Results That Last

Quint Studer has built a thriving career on helping healthcare companies achieve maximum effectiveness and consistent bottom-line results. Now, in Results That Last , he brings his ideas to the rest of the business world. Studer teaches leaders in every industry how to apply his tactics and strategi

Rachael Brown on Paying Employees to Quit

Founded in 1999, the online shoe retailer has been an astonishing success story, growing to nearly $1 billion in sales. Even more impressive than its sales numbers, however, are the numbers of customers who rave about Zappos customer service excellence. The company's success at customer s

Rafiq Dossani on India’s Rise to the Top of Global Business

Rafiq Dossani discusses India's growing role in the global economy in his new book India Arriving (AMACOM Books). India has the world's fourth largest economy, the largest youth population, and the current ranking of the second-most-preferred destination for foreign investment, yet its importance to

Rajeev Pehsawaria on the Three Pillars of Sustainable Success

According to Rajeev Peshawaria , author of “ Too Many Bosses, Too Few Leaders ”, good leaders realize that their employees feed off of the energy they project. In this episode of Edgewise, Peshawaria outlines how leaders can realize goals by harnessing their energy and the energy of those around the

Ralph Sink on How to Bring Back High-Performance Management

“The high-performance systems approach — also known as self-organizing teams and participative management — endows people throughout an enterprise with the skills, understanding, processes, and authority they need to make their own decisions on behalf of quality and business success, instead of havi

Ram Charan on The Attacker's Advantage

"If you don't do, somebody else will." There is no company that is too big to fail. There will be outside forces coming that will either be competitors or change the landscape of industry, it's only a matter of time. Ram Charan , author of The Attacker's Advantage , joins us to talk about how to get

Rasmus Hougaard & Jacqueline Carter on Leading Yourself and Others

Changing culture starts from the ground up. Rasmus Hougaard & Jacqueline Carter , authors of The Mind of a Leader , advise that any leader who wants to affect change should just start, today. First walk the walk in your own leadership style, then let that radiate out through your own team and on

Ray Anderson on a Commitment to Environmental Sustainability

Being environmentally conscious isn’t just a fad for Ray Anderson . He was working to raise awareness long before the trend of “going green.” To him, it’s more than just a marketing phrase, it’s a way of doing business. It’s also a way to reduce waste and, in the long run, save money, but only if th

Ray Schwemmer and Rick Havrilla on Fostering a Collaborative Environment

In an age of hacking and leaking, managers have a lot to consider when it comes to collaboration technology. Ray Schwemmer and Rick Havrilla are coauthors of Dynamic Collaboration: How to Share Information, Solve Problems, and Increase Productivity Without Compromising Security , a new book that det

Ric Merrifield on Rethinking Cost Cutting and Boosting Innovation

It’s the trap that ensnares virtually every business. We focus on process: “how” we’re doing the job. And we forget about the bigger issue: “what” we’re doing and “why” we’re doing it. That’s why we’re leaving so much value on the table. In   Rethink , business architect   Ric Merrifield &