How to Successfully Manage a Government Project

Published: Jan 24, 2019
Modified: May 11, 2020

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Setting Your Project Up for Success

Program and Project Managers (PMs) have the primary responsibility for developing and managing projects according to government requirements and measurable performance standards. They ensure that all activities in the project life-cycle achieve their intended outcomes.

This session will address the government PM’s role and a number of tools that can be used during performance of the project to ensure a successful post-award phase of the acquisition process.

Proper planning dramatically increases your odds of meeting project objectives and coming in on time and under budget.

In this webcast, you’ll discover the tools to initiate a government project successfully. We’ll show you how to set realistic objectives and accurate baselines for scope, timeline, costs and quality. The five key tools for project success are:

  • Stakeholder Analysis
  • Importance of Project Charter
  • Developing Explicit Requirements
  • Communications Requirements/Guidelines
  • Dedicated Risk Management

While the use of these tools will vary based on the type and complexity of the project, effective project management depends on how the PM performs his/her role and how effectively the PM uses the tools available to monitor project performance.



Denise Brown, PMP is particularly knowledgeable in project quality control processes, resource management, customer-interface and negotiation, and interdepartmental communication. She also has extensive corporate experience in culturally diverse management environments around the world. Recent clients include the U.S. General Accounting Office, FEMA, Defense Logistics Information Systems, U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and RAND Corporation. Her 15 years of experience include holding full-time positions with Lockheed Martin IMS, Cambridge Business Solutions, Ogden Environmental, Frito-Lay World Headquarters and Jones Lang Wootton, U.S.A. Ms. Brown’s publications include Project Management: The Basics for SuccessProject Management: Information Technology, and Project Management: Technical Project Management.