Tim Sanders on How Companies Profit from Doing Good

Published: Jan 24, 2019

Paddy Miller is professor of Managing People in Organizations at IESE Business School. Dr. Miller is the author of a recent book, Mission Critical Leadership. Dr. Miller’s specializes in leadership, change management, and innovation, with a focus on multinational organizations. Dr. Miller has become extensively involved in the challenges faced by organizations during the transition to globalization. Dr. Miller has written and contributed to several books and articles that have appeared in publications ranging from the Financial Times to the Journal of Management Education. His case studies have won awards in various international forums. Last year he was awarded by the American Academy of Management for his work in the field of globally distributed teams. For additional training on this topic, consider these AMA seminars: * The 21st Century Global Leader * Fundamentals of Purchasing for the New Buyer * Import/Export Procedures and Documentation To learn more, read these AMACOM Books: International Logistics by Donald F. Wood, Anthony Barone, Paul Murphy, Daniel L. Wardlow Export/Import Procedures and Documentation by Thomas E. Johnson Global Sourcing Logistics by Thomas A. Cook Rebuilding Brand America by Dick Martin

In a follow-up to his popular  2008 Edgewise interview, Tim Sanderstalks about how the “make a difference” factor is revolutionizing brand building, and how companies not paying attention to this change in marketing and mission branding are at the verge of obsolescence. Sanders offers practical advice every individual and company can use to make the world a better place–now and in the future.

In Saving the World at Work, Tim Sanders offers concrete suggestions on how all of us can help our companies join the Responsibility Revolution. Drawing on extensive interviews with hundreds of employees and CEOs, and illuminated by countless stories of people who are making a difference in the workplace and in the world,
