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David Noer on Healing the Wounds of Layoffs

Reports of the most recent layoffs are making the front pages of our newspapers with frightening regularity. And massive downsizing continues to reshape the face of American business. But what about those who remain behind? In his updated 2009 edition of Healing the Wounds , David M. Noer , an exper

David Rhodes on Management During Recession

Historically, it is innovation that creates the next wave of growth in the economy during a downturn. Instead of trying the same thing over again, David Rhodes , suggests innovation in green technology, health care, and defense. Companies who embrace the changing economic climate are the ones primed

David Robertson on the Power of Little Ideas

What do LEGOs and lingerie have in common? More than you probably think. David Robertson , author of the new book The Power of Little Ideas , is here to talk about how both LEGO and Victoria's Secret (and others) made small changes that made them the leaders of their industry while still staying tru

David Rock on How to Maximize Your Brain at Work

In Your Brain at Work , David Rock takes readers inside the heads—literally—of a modern two-career couple as they mentally process their workday to reveal how we can better organize, prioritize, remember, and process our daily lives. Rock, the author of Quiet Leadership and Personal Best , shows how

David Ulrich on How HR Transforms the Future

David Ulrich is co-founder of the RBL Group and professor of business at the University of Michigan’s Raw School of Business. He’s ranked number one as a management educator guru by Business Week.  He was selected by Fast Company as one of the ten most innovate and creative leaders. He has been

Dawn Fotopulos and How to Get Comfortable with Accounting

In her new book Accounting for the Numberphobic: A Survival Guide for Small Business Owners , Dawn Fotopulos attempts to reduce the number of small business failures by examining the struggles of owners attempting to turn their hobbies into jobs. Fotopulos argues that the key to success will not com

Deb Bright on Learning to Love Criticism

In The Truth Doesn't Have to Hurt: How to Use Criticism to Strengthen Relationships, Improve Performance, and Promote Change author Deb Bright talks about “criticism's” bad reputation and the stigma that is attached to it in the workplace. She argues that criticism is actually more beneficial than n

Deborrah Himsel on Maintaining Your Legacy

Great leaders are determined by how well they are able to translate their goals into action. Deborah Himsel’s book Beauty Queen: Inside the Reign of Avon's Andrea Ju ng tells the story of the CEO’s rise and fall at Avon while interweaving discussions of business and corporate cultural issues. Andrea

Dennis Perkins on Sailing Directly Into the Storm

In his new book Into the Storm , published by AMACOM, Dennis Perkins recalls the story of the AFR Midnight Rambler in the 1998 Sydney to Hobart Ocean Race. This race was the most perilous to date as a sudden storm stuck and took the lives of six sailors on the Rambler . However the other 55 sailors

Devora Zack on Singletasking

Devora Zack wants you to stop multi-tasking right now. In fact, you weren't even multi-tasking, you were task-switching. Moving from one project to another always requires a mental reset and even if it's only momentary those moments add up and take time out of your day. Instead, put all your energy