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What Does It Mean to Be A Manager In Today’s Workplace?

What words come to mind when we think about what managers do? Crack open a thesaurus and we find a range of synonyms, from “director” to “zookeeper.”

3 Reasons Storytelling Is A Master Tool For Salespeople

Compared to other forms of communication used in sales, storytelling has a number of unique abilities. It can help capture your buyer’s attention and build your mutual relationship.

What Can We Learn From Zuck?

Watching Mark Zuckerberg, you’re left wondering—as you would be with all. Time magazine Persons of the Year—how you could possibly emulate him. It would be nearly impossible to learn to do what Zuckerberg does: vision and intuition are hard to coach.

The Skills Humans Need to Stay Relevant In The Smart Machine Age

In the coming decades, the smart machine age will transform organizations through artificial intelligence and other technologies. As a variety of jobs are automated, the disruption will equal that of the Industrial Revolution, according to Edward Hess, professor and Batten Executive-in-Residence at

Inputs Vs. Outputs: Where Should Your Focus Lie As A Team Leader?

I was sitting in on a sales team meeting a few weeks ago, listening to them talk about how they stay motivated when they hear “no” all day, every day. The team leader recommended that they focus on doing the right things.

Want More Joy At Work? Combine Trust With A Sense Of Purpose

Neuroscience makes a nonobvious prediction about high-trust organizations: Trust combined with Purpose results in Joy at work.

6 Ways That A Manager’s Constructive Feedback Can Go Bad

When constructive feedback is not give effectively, employees will feel unfairly judged and resentful. Here are 6 mistakes to avoid in the feedback process.

Assembling The Right People For Strategic Business Planning

As an organization works to establish its position and direction in the marketplace, the strategic business planning team takes on great importance.

Developing GRIT: How To Build Your Optimism And Drive Toward Success

Why is it that some people are more prone to success than others? Research featured in articles published in Forbes and the New York Times suggest they have a quality called GRIT.

How Do You Build Mental Toughness? Think Like A Navy SEAL!

When it comes to possessing mental toughness and resilience, it's pretty hard to beat the Navy SEALs. So how do they do it? By practicing these 6 techniques