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Communication Dos and Don’ts to Increase Your Effectiveness

Team leaders need to make the most of their communications with employees, managers, and customers. Whether you are talking privately, conducting a meeting, or giving a presentation, you must communicate clearly to engage the listener and have an impact.

The Essentials of Communicating with Tact and Diplomacy in the Workplace

Communicating with tact and diplomacy is critical to success for business leaders. When people lack these qualities in their workplace interactions, situations such as this arise:

Why Listening Is the Top Sales Skill

Every great salesperson knows that listening is the most important of all sales skills. Most people think it’s the smooth talkers who make the best salespeople, but in reality it’s those who have mastered listening and identifying people’s true motivations who are most successful.

HR Leaders Define the Characteristics of High-Potential Talent

What is the number one characteristic you look for when identifying high-potential talent?

Support a Respectful Workplace with the “Platinum Rule

For children, adhering to the “Golden Rule” that advises one to “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is a decision made for strictly practical reasons.

7 Keys to Leading the Emerging Workforce

It doesn’t take a high-priced consultant to tell you that the workforce is changing. Business leaders cannot rely on outdated information and tools to manage the emerging workforce.

Talent Recruitment: Rediscovering the Lost Art of Interviewing

After devoting 25 years to the field of executive search, I am more convinced than ever that organizations have lost their way by not using a disciplined and multivariable process for interviewing and evaluating candidates. HR researchers are pointing to increased automation and algorithms as the ne

Project Management: How to Win the Support of Top Executives

Failure is everywhere. Daily brings more headline news of some project that has had huge cost over runs, is missing key functionality, is months (sometimes years) late, or all three.

Avoid Mental Mistakes When Making Complex Decisions

Why do most people find it difficult to make complex decisions? One obstacle is that a lifetime of decision making causes us to make mental mistakes.

How Shape Shifter Employees Disrupt the Workplace

“Claire” seemed to be the perfect new hire. When corporate management visited your branch office during Claire’s first workweek, she surprised you and delighted the managers above you by quoting the corporate mission statement in her brief self-introduction. “You’ve hired a keeper,” your CEO said.