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The "Decoy Effect" and Other Irrational (but Irresistible) Behaviors

In his best-selling new book <i>Predictably Irrational,</i> behavioral economist Dan Ariely examines the bizarre decisions people make at work and in life and uncovers some surprising truths about the way we think. In this interview, Ariely tells us...

Survey Shows UK Job Satisfaction and Commitment on the Decline

A recent survey of 1,100 UK workers by Mercer Human Resource Consulting shows that only 64% of respondents are satisfied with their jobs, down 10% since three years ago....

The “Grow or Die” Lie

Learn these six truths about corporate growth.

The 3 Major Sins of Sales Management

The importance of choosing the right people for the right sales roles.

Talent Management Metrics Gets an F

Only about a quarter of companies surveyed by i4cp have systematic talent management practices in place.

Ten Phrases That Should Be Banned from Your Workplace Vocabulary

Phrases that convey negativity, rudeness, or incompetence that can derail one's career.

The Adaptive Organization: Fostering Change in Five Areas

This article identifies five areas for an organization to adapt to remain relevant and effective in today's rapidly changing world.

The ABCs of Advertising Online

Now that practically everyone&rsquo;s surfing the Net, savvy companies are moving some of their ad dollars online. Here&rsquo;s a primer on how to navigate the world of pop-ups and banner ads....

The All-Time Worst Managers

Are you a "Task Monger," "Limelight Taker," or (gasp!) a "Waffler"? Read Gary S. Topchik's guide to the 10 most heinous managerial types to make sure you don't become one of them....

The Art of Preparation

During his career as an agent representing dozens of major league baseball players, Ronald M. Shapiro has learned the value of preparation. Whether it's negotiating a multimillion-dollar contract for a Hall-of-Famer or presenting a proposal to your...