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Qualities of the Private Equity-Backed Company Leader

The economic recovery keeps humming along, the longest in our country’s history. Many doomsayers have predicted a slowdown, but metrics keep pointing to a solid if not strong U.S. economy in 2020.

Differentiation Is Essential in Business, but Comes at a Cost

On a social level, humans are hard-wired to be part of a tribe. Growing up, we want to fit in with our peers whether in attire, interests, or ambitions. As adults we tend to seek out like-minded people to hang our hats with.

Performance Review Tips For Managers: Dos and Don'ts

Performance reviews can be an effective tool for motivating employees. Here are tips on avoiding common mistakes in evaluations to ensure peak performance.

Moving from Boss to Coach

“Because I’m the boss” just doesn’t cut it anymore. Today, effective managers realize that if they want to engage and motivate their people, they must form a partnership with them. That means evolving from a boss into a coach—the end of top down management.

Improving Outcomes

Learn how to practice risk management successfully.

Just Say No to Your Inner Control Freak

Are you a micromanager? Ask yourself these 10 questions to find out. (Warning: too many “yes” answers may mean you’re driving a stake through the heart of employee productivity).

Deal or No Deal: Making the Right Decision

Decisions, decisions. Every manager, from entry level to CEO, is confronted with them daily. Some may be of little import, while others can have far-reaching impact on your business and your career. Here are some simple strategies that will help...

Sometimes You Have to Lose to Win: A Lesson from Running Legend Grete Waitz

I’m not writing about Grete Waitz because she was a sports superstar. My purpose here is to write about Grete Waitz the super human being.

Management Essentials from AMA Business Boot Camp

In an exclusive interview, AMA CEO Ed Reilly talks about the “must-have” skills for managers and leaders, based on his new book AMA Business Boot Camp. The book is designed, says Reilly, to “give people the basics to go forward and build a successful career.”