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80 Business Buzzwords—Now and Then

Some of these business terms are brand new, while others have been around as long as AMA.

One-in-Four Workers Can’t Afford to Take a Vacation, CareerBuilder Survey Finds

Financial constraints and demanding work schedules have forced an increasein employees to forego vacation plans this year. Good plans, however, will allow you with some time off to relax this summer.

Social Media Pitfalls for Employers

Managers: is it OK to “friend” a subordinate on Facebook? Are you responsible for an employee’s harassing tweets? Labor and employment attorney David L. Barron answers these and other tricky social media questions

If You’ve Got ’em, Keep ’em

As many as three-quarters of U.S. employees claimed in a 2005 survey to be looking-actively or passively-for a new job. Almost half of those workers said they wanted better pay, and 16% told the Society for Human Resource Management and that they sought better benefits. Other oft-c

Forget One-Size-Fits-All HR

A new study from the Institute for Corporate Productivity finds that when it comes to strategic value and effectiveness of HR, size definitely matters. Small, medium, large, and even global organizations all require different HR structures.

The Customer-Focus Gaps

A recent global AMA/HRI study on customer focus found that there are significant differences between what organizations should do to increase customer satisfaction and what they're actually doing....

Peeling the Onion in the Private vs. Public Blockchain Conversation: Central Control of Verification

The first practical blockchain was created to disrupt and fragment political and market power by "allowing any two willing parties to transact directly with each other without a trusted third party," according to the original bitcoin whitepaper attributed to Satoshi Nakamoto (http://satoshinakamoto.

Everything She Knows as a CEO She Learned as a Waitress

Before she became CEO of her own $29-million transportation and distribution company, Carolyn Gable spent her time waiting on tables and worrying about how she was going to feed her seven kids. She didn't earn an MBA at a famous B school; she didn't even attend college. Remarkably, as she explains i

Unlocking the Leader Within: Conquering Stage Fright

Next week Bob, a junior executive, has to present his team’s project status to senior management. Whenever he even thinks about his presentation, his hands start shaking, he starts perspiring, and his stomach starts dancing the jitterbug.