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Work/Life “Balance” Is Dead

Work/Life Balance, a term that originated to drive awareness for improved worker conditions, has morphed into a phenomenon of loosely defined objectives with questionable business value.

New Year’s Resolution: Overcome Procrastination

It has been said that "procrastination is the thief of time." A wise man in one of my seminars expanded on that by saying, "Procrastination is the thief of life."

Nine Questions to Ask Yourself Before Heading Off to the Office Holiday Party

One thing you can count on during the holiday season is the obligatory office party. Whether the organization is large or small, ‘tis the season to bring coworkers together for a moment of merriment.

Ready, Set, Succeed

Is this year finally going to be your year for real career success? I guarantee that the successful people you see every day don’t have anything you don’t have. Here’s the truth: At some point every successful person you admire said to him or herself, "This is my time.

Is the Handwritten Thank-You Note Dead?

How should you deliver a post-interview thank-you note? Experts debate the merits of a handwritten note in the internet age, and the best way to say thanks.

Baker Street Irregular Behavior in Your Organization

Conflict often erupts between different individuals and groups that each assume that the other individuals and groups were present only as bit players or, as the author refers to them, as "Baker Street Irregulars or Red Shirts in Star Trek movies."

Brian Tracy's Job Search Tips

In this excerpt from his new book 'Reinvention,' professional development guru Brian Tracy outlines a plan to help you get the job you really want—in any economy.

Creating an Unbeatable Résumé

Written by a recruiter who has actually placed more than 8,500 individuals in jobs.

Deliberate Delegation: When to Say “No” and When to “Let Go”

"I know I need to delegate more, but I can get things done more quickly if I just do it myself." "I’d like to delegate more, but nobody on my team has the skills to do certain key tasks."