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The Organization’s Fault

Today's highly skilled knowledge worker is a far cry from yesterday's factory worker. Yet many experts believe that the way work gets done hasn't yet fully evolved from the outdated vertical corporate structure of the 20th century to the more...

The Personality-Productivity Connection

Finding the right person for the job-and the right job for the person-is one of the most important keys to productivity. Todd Harris, Director of Research for PI Worldwide, explains how personality assessment tests can help you make the connection....

The Platinum Skill of Giving Feedback

To get the most from your staff members, you must provide feedback. There are wrong ways to do this that will do nothing to improve performance-they may confuse staff members or encourage worse performance. On the other hand, there are ways to provide...

Talent Is All in the Mind

Here's an idea: if you want to boost your employees' development, don't praise their talent. It might sound counter-intuitive, but recent studies have shown that trying to improve performance by praising talent has the opposite effect. Mark Vickers...

The HR Confidentiality Conundrum

As the guardian of confidential employee information, HR is sometimes viewed as being unduly secretive and suspicious. The challenge is finding the fine balance between transparency and confidentiality....

The Lost Art of Shutting Up

Looking to learn a valuable new business skill? Consultant and author Mike Staver suggests this one: learning when to shut up....

The Power of Belief

As Henry Ford said: "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you're right." During his days as a door-to-door salesman, Sharif Khan learned first-hand how belief in oneself and a positive attitude are essential ingredients to a successful...

The Power of Counter-Intuitive Thinking

Leaders need to change the way they think if they want to break out of the pack, says Bill Byron Concevitch, author of <i>Counter-Intuitive Selling.</i>...

The Power of Just Enough Anxiety

According to Robert H. Rosen, author of the new book <i>Just Enough Anxiety</i>, behind every successful leader is a little anxiety....

The Power of Keeping Promises: How to Create Customers for Life

If your customer philosophy is "take the money and run," your company won't be around for long. Scott Deming, author of the new book The Brand Who Cried Wolf: Deliver on Your Company's Promise and Create Customers for Life, explains how to keep...