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Why Good Bosses Go Bad (and Other Issues that Keep Leaders Up at Night)

An interview with Nicole Lipkin, the author of the book What Keeps Leaders Up at Night. Lipkin discusses when good bosses go bad and how to avoid it.

Win-Win Is for Losers!

Wait a minute, that doesn't sound very politically correct, does it? The author of Black Belt Negotiating explains why people often unknowingly negotiate with the intention to fail. Here's how to make sure you wind up the big winner in...

You and Your Company: Making the Corporate Brand/Personal Brand Connection

Culture is a complex and critical component of leadership. Yet many leaders underestimate its impact or fail to deal effectively with it in conjunction with growth strategies and other business initiatives. As CEO Lou Gerstner said about IBM’s culture during a period of transformation, “I came to se

Breaking Through The Glass Ceiling at Work

We give our kids a time out when they misbehave. But working women who take a time out from their careers to deal with family responsibilities often find themselves punished with decreased earning power and promotion opportunities. A new study from the Center for Work Life Policy offers recommendati

Effective Knowledge Transfer Can Help Transform Your Bottom Line

Does your company have a knowledge transfer plan? If not, as baby boomers retire, your business could be at risk....

Five Critical Business Relationships for Entrepreneurs

Savvy entrepreneurs know that their success depends upon gaining the confidence and buy-in of others-customers, employees, vendors, bankers, and mentors. Here are some ways to nurture the relationships that matter most to your business....

Four Ways to Evaluate a Big Decision

What is best for the organization? The challenge leaders face every day is doing what the organization needs them to do. When a decision proves unpopular, it may make sense to hold the course because the long-term pain outweighs the short-term gain. We see this often with corporate reorganizations.

Insights from "The Best Thing That Could Ever Happen to You"

Life has a way of throwing obstacles in our paths, including an unexpected job loss. Sander Flaum, author of the new book The Best Thing That Could Ever Happen to You, offers help and hope to executives who suddenly find themselves on the outside looking in.

How to Improve Your Team's Morale

Many times in business, much like in life, a person’s perspective determines his or her morale or attitude more so than an actual situation does. Many companies will make statements such as, "The morale of the team is down because of recent company changes, cuts in benefits, and employee layoffs."

How to Plan Like a Leader

It doesn't matter what your job title is. Among your responsibilities is to act as the leader of your team. And as a leader, your tasks include leading your group in planning-understanding the corporate strategy and then in developing your unit's goals in light of that strategy and the plan to meet